Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Jay-Z's Secret Love Child

Well if you haven't been under a rock these last few weeks then you know by now that Jigga has a son by a former video vixen named Shenelle Scott from Trinidad. My girl Wendy Williams didn't get the exclusive interview, but she did a good job re-enacting it. Ms. Scott has to be under some type of gag order cause she would indirectly answer questions without really confirming or denying any of this mess...SMH. Follow the link below to listen for your self.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Hello! Welcome to Where They Do Dat At! I am totally new to this whole blogging thing, but I will give it a try. I am an aspiring writer and I think this could be great way to find out if I totally suck or if I could possibly get rich doing! Anyways, the only three friends that I have say that I should do this since they all call me long distance daily to hear what I have to say about the drama in their lives....SMH. So sometimes after listening to their drama I feel like calling up a radio station to start a topic of discussion on some of their drama (and mine too, but thats nobodies business....lmao!) and ask "Where they do dat at?". Anyways, you know how on the Sopranos Tony's therapist has to see a therapist? Well that's how I feel sometimes when I am counseling my peoples....I need a place where I can go and vent and get comments from strangers to make sure I ain't crazy and in some cases to make sure they ain't crazy!! So I will post topics by giving you a scenario I heard about and then hopefully I will get some valuable feed back to share with my friends (and to prove my point...cause I hate being wrong). I will also keep yall entertained about the latest celeb gossip that I get from all these other blogs (which by the way my favs happen to be sandra rose, YBF, concreteloop, crunk and disorderly, rhymes with snitch, nah right, and bossip...shoutout!). I will try to keep you posted and let you know where you can go to find the hottest, trashiest, gossip. I also just so happen to live in the ATL so I have my own inside sources on our local celebs. So if you happen to find this page bear with me as I update it as often as possible and also send me a shout out!!

P.S.You can also go see how sexy I am by checking out my MYSPACE page ( send me a friend request......just don't spam me please!!!